Wednesday, February 18, 2009


阿姐怒吼個番“肺腑之言”,令我不期然激動到大聲嗌左句 “Yo你個肺”十卜一下.



Market Demand & Supply 唔識講大話.當市場不斷萎縮,可以嘗試反抗,例如試下Product Development, Brand Repositioning & Relaunch 等去boost up.但粵劇作為國粹,到底有幾大空間可以推陳出新再發圍?難道八和打算請玲玲姐上台Rap返句“落街無錢買麵包Yo Yo Yo”,做個帝女花Crossover?


可能阿姐細個忙住拍戲,自己又無仔女,唔明白一個有志報讀創意工業課程既年青人係香港幾咁絕望.無錯,家下市面上Course多到咪埋眼肯填Form就總有一家收你.但咩質素先?Most of the time they kill ur creativity than to develop it. 終於有間叫做世界級藝術學院自己托埋錢黎開分校,佢話政府So外國人!?

對唔住,我知我已經Loop左幾次 “人地托埋錢黎”.但呢排政府玩開倉好似上左癮咁,竟然連支助一半人工,鼓勵建造業請班零經驗既中學生都夠膽提出.咩事呢?而家建造業人人有工開乎?有無諗個班失業工友,年紀大學歷低溫工難,舊時都仲話可以主動提出減薪,而家又有最低工資壓住,退無可退.咁點算呢,咪排隊拎眾援囉.

定係政府已經Absolutely Positively Sure,十大基建工程可以養起晒老中青三代建造業工人先!?咪住,眾援係納稅人錢,十大基建工程又係納稅人錢,支助班零經驗中學生都係納稅人錢黎架播.




eric said...


Anonymous said...

It is Wimbledon Effect over and over again. The HK Govt and most community leaders are too wuss to allow foreign talents into Hong Kong.

Re : minimum wage. More intervention would only mean more trouble. Should let the market force do the correction!

Re : traditional culture developement. This is the ever lasting question of whether art should evolve over time. The issue with Cantonese Opera is perhaps the repertoire is so immovable. If you try cross over 帝女花 with something more modern, you lose the old audience without attracting new ones.

There has been very very few new works written for Cantonese Opera, those are newly written struggles to determine the level of tradition it should carry. If it carries more, it is back to the 死胡同. If it carries less, "expert" in the field would criticise it as a non-conformance, non-observance of Chinese tradition.

In the end, I think it is about ego again. Who has the 胸襟 to accept new ideas?

If you look at the English language, which is one of the most, if not THE most, successful language (in terms of number of people speaking it) has such a loose structure (more exceptions to the rule!) includes so much from other cultures and languages.

The evolutionary force, be it in biology, sociology or culture/arts, is soemthing that no one can fight. No one OUGHT to fight it. Embrace it and the system would always find a way for survival. Protectionism is short sighted and self-centred.

C+ said...


好友D,come to think abt it, i think my point of product redevelopment is not quite valid when i try to compare cantonese opera with italian ones.

well well well another lesson of, never vent my frustration when I am angry, when i do i always lose presepective.

篤篤篤撐 said...

其實我好同情阿姐, 不過我估佢地今次衰, 其中一個好大原因係唔識寫proposal。
我公司, 今次都有申請另一個project, 我係working group成員, 去年初, 已經埋位傾, 背後仲有一1班教授甬築師俾意見, 但我睇過果d guideline, 發現自己都唔係好卜識填。

以八和人力物力, 我估佢地既proposal, 可能連criteria都唔中。

輸左, 係代表粵劇已經衰落, 行內再冇中興人才。如果八和唔諗下呢樣野, 應該要學史前動物放入沙田民俗博物館。

L L said...



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