Monday, October 20, 2008

我要做村姑 (中)

我的Fantasy, 始於多年前讀到一篇關於 Portable Building的報導,有人以貨櫃改裝成不同大小的住宅出售.要搬家,只要整個貨櫃搬走,移到新地方,一頭"家"便完整地復活.


我似發現新大陸地跟朋友們宣佈 "我終於找到Ceci的移動城堡!"

他們卻狠心地以一盆冷水淋熄我的熱情 "扯,同Trailer Home 有mud分別?"

哼,Trailer Home 有無咁型先!?

加籍 Kieth Dewey 的代表作,Zigloo Domestique位於Victoria, 以八個廿呎貨櫃建成一千九百呎,三房兩廳的兩層高獨立屋作自住用途.而每個貨櫃的價錢,不過是九百美金.

近來幾年,Ecological / Green / Organic 大行其道,令一批新晉建築師興起循環使用貨櫃替代傳統建築物料.依始祖之一的Kieth Dewey 所說,以 Eco-Cargo興建的概念如下 -

Eco-Cargo Living Space is based on three primary underlying themes:
Healthy, Simple, Efficient
* Reduce use of toxic or harmful chemicals, including plastics
* Increase use of local and renewable resources
* Increase use of inert, water and plant based materials

* Live with less, rethink need
* Reduce maintenance
* Build to last, not replace

* Incorporate all Energy Star appliances and mechanical systems
* Use technology, nature and ingenuity to reduce resource consumption
* Use recycled or reclaimed everywhere possible

More Information On Keith Dewey's Project

(To Be Continued)


卡臣 said...

我投貨櫃一票, 勁想住!

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